Spiritual Healing

A mind, body, and spirit in balance is the foundation for vitality and peace.

Mental stress, physical ailments, and spiritual afflictions go hand in hand. Our spirit becomes weary from the hardship of everyday life, uncertainty, unwanted experiences, loss, and more. A weary spirit leads to a suffering mind and body.
Spiritual Healing meets the spirit with what it needs, for the health of the whole body and soul. Burdens are released, blessings are bestowed, and renewed energies and outlook emerge from the transformation.


What happens in a spiritual healing session is emergent in the moment and always for the highest good of the receiver. You can expect to arrive to a warm and safe environment where you are free to express what is on your heart. If we are online, Lizzy will guide you through the healing virtually. If we are in person, you may be asked to lie down on a massage table for energy healing. This happens with clothes on. Light touch is an option for in-person sessions, at the discretion of the receiver.


I believe we ALL need spiritual healing. Spiritual Healing helps with:

  • Stress

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Grief

  • Trauma

  • Anger

  • Acute and Chronic Health Concerns

  • Limiting beliefs and patterns

  • & More

Spiritual healing sessions may include

Soul Retrieval

Ancestral Healing

Sound Healing

Inner Child Healing

Maya Spiritual Bath

Healing with Plant Spirits

Compassionate Cord Dissolving

Shamanic Extraction

Womb Rites and Healing


Akashic Reading and Healing

Spiritual Healing Testimonials

Lizzy has helped me on my path of feeling whole and complete. She is the embodiment of feminine strength, compassion, and intuitive skill.
— Lizzie Wemyss, Our Village Founder
Working with Lizzy broke the unhelpful patterns and tracks of how I saw and related to myself on emotional, spiritual, physical level. I am renewed. Fresh. Creative. Intuitive.
— MG
I have grown so much since working with Lizzy. I know and trust that I have the power and information at my fingertips. I feel and see love that was available to me all along that I completely missed. I can feel and access deep love for myself that I was literally incapable of perceiving before.
— MB
Lizzy has shown me specific tools to help me understand and regulate the intense emotions that flare up due to my trauma. She has helped me address these issues on a mind, body, spirit level. I have been able to manage my energy and emotions better than ever before. I am more connected to myself, my partner, and my whole life.
— AB
Lizzy holds space for me to heal and move through my pain, shame, and discomfort to get to the other side. Her loving guidance helps me feel my truth and let go of so much so I can feel peace and relief, connected to the truth and wisdom in my body.
— AC